- On Day 1 of the Congress, the Executive Committee will nominate the Members of the Ethics Committee and introduce them at the opening ceremony.
- Delegates should conduct themselves at all times in a manner that brings dignity to the profession of concierge and honour to the host country. Any issues relating to inappropriate behaviour by delegates is to be referred to the Ethics Committee for their immediate consideration.
- All meeting discussions shall be conducted with civility and mutual respect and understanding. Any requests to speak must come through the designated chairperson.
- All Congress fees must be paid on time. Delegates should keep a printed copy of their receipt acknowledging payment has been made.
- Delegates are required to settle all incidental hotel charges at time of check- out.
- Delegates are expected to follow all registration procedures of the host country, including providing all requested information in a timely manner.
- Active members must attend all official meetings and Congress events.
- Delegates should follow all appropriate dress codes set by Congress organizers.
- Delegates are expected to follow standard tipping procedures for all tourist services (i.e., drivers, room attendants, luggage attendants, doormen, etc.).
- Delegates should refrain from making special personal demands on Congress organizers.
- Delegates must receive the permission of the Executive Committee to invite a non- member to an official meeting of UICH.
- Delegates shall be responsible for maintaining the silence of themselves and their guests during official speeches. A Master of Ceremonies should be used to reinforce this message at the beginning of proceedings.