Madrid’s vibrant energy has made it a popular tourist destination for decades, and its appeal continues to rise. While Madrileños are happy to host visitors, a touch of consideration goes a long way. Here are some tips and cultural insights to help you enjoy your stay in Madrid:

Greetings and Courtesy: Spanish culture values courtesy and greetings. When meeting someone, especially for the first time, it is customary to greet with a handshake or a kiss on each cheek (starting from the left).

Mealtimes: Spaniards generally eat later than in many other countries. Lunch is typically around 2 PM and dinner is around 9 PM or later.

Tipping: Tips are not as common or as high as in some other countries. In restaurants, it’s appreciated to leave a small tip (5-10%) if the service was good, but it’s not mandatory. In bars or cafes, rounding up the bill is common.

Language: Although many people in Madrid speak English, especially in tourist areas, it’s polite to learn some basic phrases in Spanish, such as thank you, good morning, or good afternoon (“gracias”, “buenos días” or “buenas tardes”).

Respect for Cultural Sites: When visiting churches, museums, or other cultural sites, it’s advisable to follow any posted regulations regarding photography or behaviour. Silence and respect are expected in places of worship.